Stuart McDonald
Italian version
Première suisse
Édition 2015
Pressbook-Giotto (OddBall)
scheda valutazione 6-15
SD-Giotto, l'amico dei pinguini


"In a far-off land is a magical island, which thousands of penguins call home. But now foxes have discovered the island, and the penguins are in danger. Their only hope is a rather clumsy dog." The dog in question is Oddball, and the film tells the incredible true story of farmer Allan "Swampy" Marsh and his pet Maremma sheepdog Oddball. As a matter of fact, the man convinced the local authorities to use his dog to protect a colony of small penguins from foxes. Oddball was successful in his enterprise, and became the leader of Maremmas in protecting endangered Australian fauna.

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